Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bad Samaritan

I had a fairly vivid dream last night but I don't remember most of it since it's already almost time to go to sleep again.

I was on a bright yellow scooter that belonged to someone else, but I didn't feel guilty for driving it, so it was probably willingly loaned to me. It was a beautiful warm Utah summer day and I was driving along a straight road toward some unknown goal.

As I was driving I came to a traffic light and noticed a line of cars parked in the lane to the right of mine. The car at the front was the same color of blue as the sky was in my dream. People were standing outside of their cars so it was obvious that something interesting had happened... but it wasn't a crash.

A man walked behind another man and began to slit his throat. I put my hand in my pocket to get my cell phone right as the light turned green. I was afraid that the man would come after me next so I changed my mind about calling the police and hit the gas just like everyone else in my lane was doing.

I continued to drive and came to a hill that led into a favela-type housing area.

I knocked on one of the doors and my friend's mom answered the door. She told me that my friend was just around the corner outside another "house" so I found her and showed her the scooter I had been driving.

"Cool, let's take it for a spin," she said.

Then I woke up feeling kind of sad and realized it was raining.


  1. what does the term favela come from? Kind of sad dream.

  2. I think it's just a brazilian word for slum or shanty town.
