Saturday, July 10, 2010

Attractive Missionaries EEK

It all started at the dinner table. Our family had invited the missionaries to dinner. They were really attractive and the entire time I was trying really hard to ignore that fact. Then out of nowhere one of them starts flirting with Sarah. The other one looks really uncomfortable. Before we knew it they were heading out the door. Before they left Sarah was all "Hannah thinks you're hot!" to the other missionary. He just laughed and then they both left.

I was walking into a ballroom with the really attractive missionary. He led me to a table and we both sat down. But I sat down a chair away from the missionary. I was really uncomfortable. He looked over at me smiling and asked "Why don't we actually sit next to eachother?" Then he sat in the chair next to me.

The really attractive missionary was coming home and he had decided to throw a party. I was invited. The entire time I stayed away from him. Most of this part of my dream was about shoes. I was wearing flip flops and they broke. I tried to fix them but I only made it worse. In frustration I picked them up and was headed towards the limo. I ended up confronting some lady about something infront of a lot of people. When my dad pulled me aside and asked me how I could do such a thing I said "I'm not going to choreograph my words to give a false impretion of what i'm actually feeling!" This is about when I found two extra pairs of shoes on the ground, picked them up, and headed towards the limo.

It was raining outside so I had to quickly get into the limo before my dress was ruined. I ran to the door, opened it, and there was Lisa Black (a friend from church) along with a bunch of other people I didn't recognize. There wasn't a seat. So Lisa helped me make one (at girls camp we had to make chairs using tree branches and rope). Finally I got into the limo and we drove away.

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