Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big Waves

I was with Hannah around town. We lived in a new place near an ocean. We were discussing which TV show we were going to get into next and start watching. Suddenly, we looked up and saw an enormous wave the size of a building. It was capping right above us. I held my breath and the wave came down. Nobody got wet. We kept running toward our home on the beach. When we got there, the house was fine and we ran inside.

"Did you see that wave, Mom?? It was huge! Close all the windows!"

There wasn't any water in the house yet, but with the next big wave, water came spurting through all of the open windows.

We started discussing TV shows again like our house wasn't at the bottom of a raging tsunami.

Then I woke up.


  1. Our waves were bigger this morning, but not that big.

  2. I have wave nightmares when I feel out of control. I don't like wave nightmares.
