Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bus Accident... On Purpose

I was with a friend that I've never met before, but we had a mutual contact. Apparently this new friend knew a girl that I work with. We decided to go to her place and hang out I guess. (I hardly ever understand my motivations in my dreams. They're all completely wacky.)

When we got there, we discovered that she lived underground and beneath tons of water. My new friend and I were in an urban environment looking at a sort of hatch that, when you opened it, consisted of a ladder delving deep into the ground. And it was full of water. We didn't know how we could possibly go visit her without having a way to breathe underwater, so we didn't.

Then my new friend told me that we were supposed to be tracking a bus. It was full of high school kids going on a field trip. I guess they were a Glee Club because Will Schuester was the teacher in charge of said trip.

"This is weird. The bus is supposed to be heading away from us toward the *mumble* Center," said my new friend, "but it looks like it's coming right toward us."

I looked in the direction that the bus would be coming from. It was a very tall steep hill with stairs going up and down all over the place. Reminiscent of the south end of BYU campus.

"I've got a baaaaaaad feeling about this," I thought.

Suddenly, the bus appeared at the top of the hill... above the hill by about fifty feet. It was flying toward us. It had hit something very large at full speed and begun spinning sideways down the hill.

Then we could see all the high schoolers flying out of the bus all over the place. At the top of the hill, Will Schuester was preaching some nonsense about his heart being broken and now this was his vengeance. I looked at my new friend (who last time I checked was a militaristic male) and discovered that she was actually one of the managers that I work with. I guess she was the one who broke Will Schuester's heart.

"So he's kind of a creeper isn't he?" I asked Amy.

"Yeah. But he's telling the truth," she replied.

"So... you're the creeper then..."

"I guess."

And then my dream ended.

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