Monday, July 26, 2010

A Confused Mind

I woke up in a basement. Mariel and Owen were down there with me, but they were hidden because they were scared. Instead of providing them with comfort...I hid too.

Eventually I worked up my courage and decided that we had to find a way to escape. We looked around the room for options. There was a door, but there was a lock on it. I found a decent sized window, which we decided that we could break fairly easily. Just then we heard the kidnapper coming down the stairs. We quickly broke the window and ran.

Everyone ran in a different direction. I was crouched down by this box and there was a fence behind it. Behind the fence were hundreds of little puppies. They were SO cute!!! While I was distracted by the puppies... I was attacked! By a tiny sheep. It jumped onto my back and literally just lay there. I was obviously concerned because I thought that the sheep would be so out of the ordinary that I would be caught in seconds. I looked around for another hiding place. I saw that the garage was open so I ran to it. Unfortunately, it was occupied.

There were four people. Two older couples. Thankfully, I was welcome to join them because they were just talking about buying one of the puppies.

The garage creeped me out. There was a small (puppy sized) sheep with horns that kept attacking baby turtles while the owners just laughed. There was also one lonesome puppy that seemed to have something wrong with it. It couldn't walk right, it was fumbling around like it was drunk. Also, there was a HUGE dog that was just lieing on the floor with its eyes glazed over.

Suddenly two old people in the garage turned to me with wide crazy eyes and said something like "you didn't think you'd get away did you?" The old man had a wand and he waved it around. I froze (quite literally) and then began to rise into the air. It was dark outside now.

I flew out the garage and back towards the house I had escaped from. I was thrown onto the floor inside the door of the house.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times. Standing above me was the kidnapper. He said that the other children were in the kitchen having breakfast. We walked over to the room together and I went and sat at a table with Mari, Sarah, and Owen. The kidnapper was making pancakes.

He was tall, thin, and muscular, and he had red hair.

At this moment I randomly decided that I had missed the kidnapper dreadfully and I ran over to him, told him that I had missed him, and gave him a great big hug.


  1. Your dreams make mine seem boring.

  2. The ending made me laugh out loud. And the tiny sheep was amusing too. Is there always such a circus going on in your mind? ha ha.

  3. haha i think i was kind of scatter brained.
    my dreams aren't always amusing, i just put up the ones that are.
